January 13, 2014
Written by C.N.
Links, Jobs, & Announcements #76
Here are some more announcements, links, and job postings about academic-related jobs, fellowships, and other opportunities for those interested in racial/ethnic/diversity issues, with a particular focus on Asian Americans. As always, the announcements and links are provided for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply an endorsement of the organization or college involved.
Post-Doc Fellowship: Cornell Population Center

The Cornell Population Center (CPC) invites applicants for the Frank H.T. Rhodes Post-doctoral Fellowship. The start date for the position will be August 15, 2014 and will be funded for 2 years, subject to a satisfactory first year evaluation. Selection will be based on scholarly potential, ability to work in multidisciplinary settings, and the support of a faculty mentor and CPC affiliate at Cornell who will work closely with the post-doctoral associate.
Preference will be given to fellows with research interests in areas broadly related to the CPC’s four main foci: families & children; health behaviors & disparities; poverty & inequality; and immigration & diversity. Especially encouraged are applications from candidates whose research has significance for those countries on which the fellowship’s funder focuses – the United States, the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Vietnam, South Africa, and Bermuda.
The Frank H. T. Rhodes Fellowships stand as a testament to the profound difference Frank Rhodes has made at Cornell by furthering scholarship and research in areas related to poverty alleviation, support for the elderly and disadvantaged children and youth, public health, and human rights. The postdoctoral program is designed to provide support through collaborations with faculty and to assist new scholars in launching their own programs of research. Postdoctoral Associates devote most of their time to independent research, but are expected to be involved in CPC institution building activities, as well.
The postdoctoral associate will have access to the full range of university resources and receive an annual salary of $50,000 plus benefits and a modest research/travel account.
Applications must include: (a) letter of application, (b) curriculum vita, (c) a statement proposing both an individual research project and how the candidate will engage with a CPC faculty affiliate’s on-going research, (d) examples of written work, (e) a letter from a CPC faculty affiliate agreeing to mentor the candidate, and (d) three letters of recommendation. These materials must be submitted online by clicking here. For questions, contact Erin Oates.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in economics, sociology, public health, public policy, or another related social science discipline by August 15, 2014. Screening of applications begins February 1, 2014, and will continue until the position is filled.
Research Fellowship: Institute of American Cultures, UCLA
The UCLA Institute of American Cultures (IAC), in cooperation with UCLA’s four Ethnic Studies Research Centers (American Indian Studies Center, Asian American Studies Center, Bunche Center for African American Studies, Chicano Studies Research Center) offers fellowships to visiting scholars and researchers to support research on African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Chicanas/os.
Eligibility/Funding: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and hold a Ph.D. from an accredited college or university at the time of appointment. UCLA faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students are not eligible to apply.
Two types of awards will be offered: 1) Visiting Scholar appointments for persons who currently hold permanent academic appointments and 2) Visiting Researcher for newly degreed scholars. In 2014-2015, IAC Visiting Scholars/Researchers will receive funding for one or more quarters, with a maximum stipend of $32,000 to $35,000 for three quarters (contingent upon rank, experience, and date of completion of their terminal degree) and will receive health benefits.
For Visiting Scholars, these funds can be used to supplement sabbatical support for a total that does not exceed the candidate’s current institutional salary. Visiting Scholars will be paid through their home institutions and will be expected to continue their health benefits through that source as well; Visiting Researchers will be paid directly by UCLA. Awardees may receive up to $4,000 in research support (through reimbursements of research expenses), $1,000 of which may be applied toward relocation expenses.
Deasline: Applications must be received no later than 5:00pm, Wednesday, February 5th, 2014, at the Asian American Studies Center, 3230 Campbell Hall or via email. Awards will be announced in April.
Application forms and additional information are available On-Line:
http://www.iac.ucla.edu/docs/2014-2015VisitingScholarsApplication.pdfFellowship Period: October 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
Pre-Doc Fellowship: Asian American Studies, UConn
Pre-Doctoral In-Residence Fellowship: Asian American Studies Institute
The University of Connecticut is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Pre-doctoral In-Residence Fellowship to advance diversity in higher education. The program will support scholars from other universities while they complete their dissertation or post-MFA study for the term of an academic year. Fellows will have access to outstanding resources, faculty expertise, mentoring and other professional development opportunities.
The Asian American Studies Institute, Institute for African American Studies, Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean and Latin American Studies, and the Women’s, Gender and Sexualities Program will each host one fellow in-residence per year, for a total of four fellowships awarded annually. The faculty in the host institutes currently hold joint-appointments in three different schools at the University: The Neag School of Education, School of Fine Arts, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. All fellows will be appointed jointly between an institute and one of these Schools and College.
Applicants for this opening will be considered for the fellowship hosted by the Asian American Studies Institute. Founded in 1993, the Asian American Studies Institute is a leading East Coast multidisciplinary research and teaching program that reflects the heterogeneity of both Asian American Studies and Asian America. Although the primary focus of the Institute is upon experiences of people of Asian ancestry in America, attention is also given to the study of Asia, since Asian informs the Asian American experience.
This transnational orientation is reflected through the Institute’s research initiatives, teaching, and community outreach. The Institute encourages students to explore the ways in which race, gender, and class are shaped by immigration histories, social inequalities, changing global dynamics and shifting border politics.
Minimum Qualifications: 1.) Be enrolled in a PhD program or be within one year post-MFA in the liberal arts and sciences, fine arts, or education field at schools other than UConn, 2.) Have passed a PhD qualifying examination and be in either the research or writing phase of an approved dissertation or in the case of post-MFA have a project to be completed within the term of a year, 3.) Be conducting research in an area that can contribute to Asian American Studies, and 4.) Have a demonstrated commitment to the advancement of diversity and to increasing opportunities for underrepresented or disadvantaged groups
The program will provide a stipend of $27,000, medical and dental benefits, office space, library privileges, and computer access. A research/travel budget of $3,000 is also included. As part of the program terms, the fellows must be at the University of Connecticut for the duration of the fellowship and will be expected to teach one class and share their work in a public forum.
Applications are accepted via UConn’s Husky Hire website. Applications must include a cover letter, full curriculum vitae, a two-page teaching statement, PhD project description outlining the scope of the project, its larger significance, methodology, and timetable for completion, appropriate example of recent work not to exceed 20 pages, and three confidential letters of recommendation, one of which is from the academic advisor, sent directly in electronic form from the referees to Courtney.Wiley@uconn.edu with the applicant’s name in the subject line.
Post MFA applicants should include an appropriate project description:
- Choreographers/Dances: documentation of performance
- Film and Video: links to works
- Musicians: complete list of works or significant performances
- Theatre Artists: sample of design portfolio
- Visual Artists: 20 images
- Writers: 2-3 short stories, 10-15 poems, or novel passages not to exceed 50 pages
Applicants who apply to this opening will be considered for a pre-doctoral fellowship hosted by the Asian American Studies Institute. If you wish to apply to a fellowship(s) hosted by another Institute, you will need to submit an application directly to that opening. The fellowship hosted by the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program is opening # 2014259, the Institute for African American Studies is opening # 2014263, and the Institute of Latina/O, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies is opening # 2014264. To apply, visit http://jobs.uconn.edu/ and click “Staff Openings,†where you can insert the search number for the position. Application deadline is February 17, 2014.
Summer Internship: Asian American Advocates
OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates, a national membership – driven organization dedicated to advancing the political, social, and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans (APAs), announces the 25th Year Anniversary and open application of the 2014 Summer Internship program.
OCA invites student advocates from all across the nation to apply for the opportunity to be involved in the political process through a national organization. The Internship has successfully led former participants to become more active on their college campus and significantly increased the level of APA civic engagement in local, state, and national public policy issues. A number of OCA alums have pursued careers in public service, advocacy, and as appointed officials as well as non-public sector positions.
“The program is an excellent opportunity for students to be in the dynamic atmosphere of Washington, DC and to continue to discover their self-identities and how to use those identities effectively for our APA community and our country,†said Stan Lou, Vice President on Culture and Education.
Candidates are selected from both two- year and four-year institutions. Typically, the participants are rising juniors, seniors, or recent graduates. The interns are placed in a full-time position in a variety of organizations in the Washington, D.C. area and provided a living stipend. The program exposes participants to public policy and advocacy efforts while gaining invaluable work experience. Placements of the interns are based on individual background, interest, and skill level. Interns are assigned to federal agencies, nonprofit organizations, congressional offices, and public affairs unit of corporations. Moreover, summer interns are also integrated in many OCA programs and activities which include the OCA National Convention in Los Angeles, California.
For more information on the OCA Summer Internship as well as the application, visit OCA’s website at www.ocanational.org and click ‘Internship’ tab under ‘Programs’ Section. Click here to directly access the on-line application. Applications and support materials must be submitted by Monday March 3, 2014; 11:00PM PST.

Author Citation
Copyright © 2001- by C.N. Le. Some rights reserved.
Suggested reference: Le, C.N. . "Links, Jobs, & Announcements #76" Asian-Nation: The Landscape of Asian America. <https://www.asian-nation.org/headlines/2014/01/links-jobs-announcements-76/> ().
Short URL: https://www.asian-nation.org/headlines/?p=1943
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