September 3, 2006
Written by C.N.
Reverse Migration Back to China
You may have heard that the world in general and American society in particular is becoming more transnational. Ever wonder what that really means? Well here’s one example of it — as the San Francisco Chronicle reports, more Chinese immigrants are deciding to return to China to live and work, attracted by China’s booming economy, low cost of living, China’s growing international prominence, and a reemergent Chinese identity:
Well-to-do Chinese around the world are being drawn homeward by affordable housing, food and recreation — as well as a sense of belonging. Driving this trend are China’s booming market economy, improved transportation and telecommunications, potential returns on real estate investments and the emergence of a transnational identity for many of the emigres and their children.
All this is despite the pollution, horrendous traffic and what Hu said are people in Shanghai who lack the grace to stand in line or to apologize for jostling someone. . . . “The center of gravity is shifting to China, but to be successful, you need to be successful in the United States,” said Peggy Liu, 38, co-founder of a venture capital firm, who moved from the Bay Area to Shanghai with her husband and two sons — following her parents. “You need a foot in both worlds.”
As I said, this “reverse migration” trend is another telling example of how increasingly globalized American society is becoming. As I’ve also written about before, this trend also extends to Asian Americans engaging in business ventures in Asian countries and to Asian universities recruiting Asian American academics to move to Asia and build up their universities over there.
Asian Americans and Latino Americans have already embraced this transnational trend, so unless the rest of the U.S. wants to get left behind and become increasingly internationally isolated, it’s in their best interests to get with the program as well.

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Copyright © 2001- by C.N. Le. Some rights reserved.
Suggested reference: Le, C.N. . "Reverse Migration Back to China" Asian-Nation: The Landscape of Asian America. <> ().
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